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Erotikus munka fórum
:) Ez jó volt. Ne is mondd, 2 oldalnyi átok jött tőlük, hihetetlen... Sajnos egyre többen küldenek olyan fotókat, amire még 20 éve sem hasonlítottak és hiába fizeti ki az ember a buszt, ha leszáll róla és rosszul lesz a recis. Egyszerűen nem értem mire gondolnak ilyenkor??! Hátha mégis maradhat, vagy mi?
Erotikus munka fórum
Szia Kedves! Azt gondolom összekeversz valakivel. Mert nekem semmilyen saram nincs magyarországom, sőt bárom sincs Luzernbe. Olyan diszkrét salonom van ahova megválogatom hogy kit engedek be. Miután ti olyan képeket küldtetek amik nem fedték a valóságot, nem szerettem volna rabolni egymás idejét, hisz a hozzám járo lányok között eselyetek sem lett volna. Kértelek keressetek más helyet ahol emelitek a hely színvonalát. A 300chf utiköltségeteket amit én fizettem tudtam hogy sose adjátok vissza, köszönöm helyett, nem a mi nyelvünkön kezdtetek el átkot szorni......ezután ingyen hazavittek titeket magyarországra. Pont 600chf-el loptatok meg. Tehát lányok, a hölgyeknek igaza van. Elite nem minden “lányt” vár tárt karokkal. Meg lehet nézni az Elite weboldalát svájcban , milyen és hány lány dolgozik kint évek óta nálam, akinek bármilyen kétsége is lenne ezek után. Több hónapra előre bevagyunk terminezve... Ha lehetne itt képet megosztani, szívesen feltenném a viber üzenetet, amit kaptam ezek után. Szerintem itt senki nem látott még ilyen ízes, részletes és hosszadalmas átkozódást, amiből mindenkinek egyértelmű lenne, hogy melyik kisebbségtől érkezett...
Erotikus munka fórum
Sziasztok Lányok, Köszönöm a különleges megszólítást, de nem vagyok Kurva. Több sikeres igényes salonom/clubbom van Svájcban. Krisztina vagyok a Salon Elite tulajdonosa. A studioimban igényes, lenyűgözően csinos jo szervizes lányok dolgoznak. A rágalmazónak helyet adtam mert menekült valahonnan (nem véletlen)...hiba volt mert semmilyen feltételnek nem felelt meg. Általában minden házam több honapra előre van teleterminelve a törzslányaimmal. Ezt bizonyitja az odlalamon látható terminplan is. Ugyhogy köszönöm a kritikát de ebből ne tanuljon senki mert rágalom.
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[STUDIO ELITE] Salón de lujo establecido en Suiza desde hace 50 años, ingresos de 5 a 7000 CHF, oportunidad de acompañante y precios elevados

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20 080 view

[STUDIO ELITE] Bejáratott 50 éve működő luxus szalon Svájcban, 5-7000 CHF keresettel, escort lehetőséggel és magas árakkal

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[STUDIO ELITE] Założony luksusowy salon w Szwajcarii od 50 lat, zarobki 5-7000 CHF, możliwość towarzystwa i wysokie ceny

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[STUDIO ELITE] Salon de lux înființat în Elveția de 50 de ani, câștiguri de 5-7000 CHF, oportunitate de escortă și prețuri mari

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[STUDIO ELITE] Zavedený 50-ročný luxusný salón vo Švajčiarsku, zarábajúci 5-7000 CHF, možnosť eskortovania a vysoké ceny

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15 080 view

[STUDIO ELITE] Established luxury salon in Switzerland for 50 years, 5-7000 CHF earnings, escort opportunity and high prices

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5 206 view

[STUDIO ELITE] Zavedený 50letý luxusní salon ve Švýcarsku, vydělávající 5-7000 CHF, možnost eskortování a vysoké ceny

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4.67 / 5
9 194 view

[STUDIO ELITE] Seit 50 Jahren bekannter Luxussalon in der Schweiz, mit 5-7000 CHF Verdienst, Escort Job Möglichkeit und hohe Preise

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4.67 / 5
1 103 view

[STUDIO ELITE] Established luxury salon in Switzerland for 50 years, 5-7000 CHF earnings, escort opportunity and high prices

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STUDIO ELITE - the playground
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Pearls Lounge - female ownership
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LOUNGE-139 is the favorite place
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9 modern, renovated apartments in
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Professional management with 20 years
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Experienced female owner offers adult
+49 152
Exclusive 6-room studio in St.
+41 78 2
Open in Hanover for 15
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BOOMBASTIC is looking for you,
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Basic concepts

The erotic adult work is a job, that only a 18+ person can do, because it includes sexual services and in return, the client pays money or buy expensive gifts. The sexworker's service can include almost anything, even adult job without sex eg. fetish jobs, femdom, massage job, hostess job, webcam job or dancing, but the choice is always yours, nobody can force you to do sexwork. Usually we distinguish between incall and outcall erotic jobs, so the sexworker can work in a studio, private salon or brothel, or it can be outcall, so they meet somewhere with the guest, that can be a hotel, the client's house or anywhere else.. And also it doesn't matter if you are boy or girl or trans or even your sexual orientation, because any adult person can be an escort or a sexworker.

Most people think that escort work is only sex work, but it really means companionship, e.g. wealthy men who are lonely or just want to have fun pays for an escort girl's time, to be with her. They want to skip the dating part, and jump to the best time ever, so basically these men want to hire a girlfriend for only a short term. We call it outcall, if the guest orders the company to their hotel room, home or weekend house etc.. There are VIP or High Class escort girls also, who are especially expensive and only the richest can pay for their escort work services, which include the 'GFE' girlfriend experience, which means that the escort girl treats the guest as if she would be his real girlfriend.

Erotic massage work is also an erotic work category, because the masseuse girls can provide extra services in addition to massage! Of course you can apply for a normal massage job, but if you would like to offer more in your service, then you can choose from erotic massage jobs, for more earnings. There are several types of classic relaxing massage, which are completely sex-free and erotic-free work, but on Red-Life you will usually find tantra massage work, which provides a tantric experience, also called touching the soul through the body! In each case, before filling out the application, ask about the specific job, what kind of massage it is and what the expected services are.

First of all, you should be sure, before you become an escort, that this kind of adult job is suitable for you. Becoming a professional escort is not only a well-paying job, but it's a lifestyle and it requires foresight. So before you apply for an escort job on Red-Life, be ready to change your whole life. Professional escort jobs requires language sklills, intelligence, style and charming behavior. If you got it all, you can start your escort carrier and you can be a successful, independent escort anywhere you want.

The "How do i get started as an escort?" is one of the most common question, because who doesn't want to know, how they can become a professional escort in a short time? As you can know, the escorts earn a lot, and they live a luxurious life, and you can have it also, if you find your dream escort job on Red-Life. You just have to apply for an escort job, and the dream can come true, as you learn how to act and behave like a professional. As a beginner, you can apply for the most escort agencies, because they are happy to teach you every little detail, to be the best. Don't be afraid, nobody born as a professional escort, you can learn everything and have fun with a lot of money at the same time.

Escort job means, that you escort someone, so they pay for your company and time, nothing else. Or course, if the chemistry is working, it can be lot more, but only if both of you are agreed. A successful escort know how to behave in every situation, and can be a loving girlfriend and a wild porn star at the same time. The client pays for entertainment, but also for a listening partner, that's why the GFE (girlfriend experience) is so popular. If you have few regulars, who pays for your time often, then you can feel yourself as a sugarbaby, but normally it's two different type of adult job.

If you already decided that you want to have adult job in UK, then you have to find on Red-Life the most suitable advertisement for you to become a sex worker. To be a sex worker means a lot, you can choose from plenty of adult job offers, depending on which kind of sex work would you like ho have, and where, because then you have the possibility to travel the world and earn a lot of money. You can be an escort, but also a porn star, but if you want something sensual and discreet, then you can find a lot of erotic massage job also. 

Becoming a stripper is easy if you feel good yourself on stage, and you like that every people are looking at you. On Red-Life you can find plenty of nightclubs in United Kingdom, strip clubs and lap dancing venue that are constantly looking for help. The new strippers always earn more, so don't be afraid, if you're not professional for the first time on stage, they will reward your beginner spirits. Most of the jobs where you can become a stripper, offers you opportunity to learn the basics, but also you can go to pole dance course, where they teach you everything.

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